Welcome to the party! I'm glad you finally made it.

I dedicate all my work to the two wonderful human beings who raised me: my mother and father. I put my entire heart and soul into everything I produce. I hope others can find inspiration in what I do.

What to know more?  Find out.

"Who are you...

I'm a photographic artist, writer, model, actor, and student of life from the greater New York City area based in Melbourne, Australia. I'm a sensitive soul who finds inspiration in anything garnished with parsley, bottled in Italy, and imagined at dawn. 

& what are 

you doing?"

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be here for a good and, hopefully, a long time!

My work centers on capturing genuine moments in time. Whether through personal essays, portraiture, lifestyle imagery, or just the perfect lighting, I seize any opportunity to encapsulate raw, authentic emotion.

I'm here to offer a playful sophistication to your ideas and help bring them to life. I believe it's valuable to have self-confidence while staying grounded and relatable. If you're looking for dynamic brainstorming sessions that yield vibrant results, I'm just one email away!


I'm a friend-seeker passionate about shared experiences, human interaction, and slow mornings. I take any opportunity to capture these moments through writing or photography. Perhaps we could do all this together?

Let's grab a beverage!

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